We hope you have landed on this web page as one of our many satisfied customers who have taken advantage of the special offer under our Avonbridge Referral Programme.
Introduce us to a friend, neighbour, work colleague etc. who then orders one of our new state-of-the-art WireFree Alarm Systems, and we will give you one of our SILVER Maintenance Programmes completely free of charge for the next 12 months.
If you already have a SILVER Maintenance Agreement with us, then we will fully refund the annual charge you have already paid. If you have either a GOLD or PLATINUM Agreement with us, then we will refund the value of a SILVER annual charge.
All you need to do is get the person you refer to quote your 6-digit customer account number that you will find in the top right of your latest invoice. Then drop us a quick e-mail to info@avonbridgealarms.co.uk to confirm their surname and postcode, and as soon as they place their order your cheque will be coming out in the post to you.
And remember – there’s no limit to the number of referrals you can make. The monetary equivalent of a SILVER Agreement will be paid to you for each and every additional person you refer who goes on to order a new Alarm from us. So use your personal and business connections to keep on earning more.
The sky’s the limit!